A few rules need to be followed when writing cause and effect essays. Obviously, within your essay you will need to discuss both the cause and the effect of your topic and they should receive an equal time share. Having a fair balance between the two is essential. Before you can worry about face time for your sentences though, you need to decide what you are going to write about.
Whether the professor has given out guidelines for making a topic choice, or you are completely able to choose your own, your final decision needs to be satisfactorily narrowed down to a topic with a satisfactory amount of information available. You also want to submit a paper that is exciting, new, fresh, and unique. Below, you will find a list of impressive cause and effect essay topics that you may never have considered:
If these topics are not exactly what you are looking for, there are several places that you can look for ideas that are unusual and unique. Here are several to think about:
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